What is teklifalteklifver.com?
It is a B2B digital platform where companies operating in all sectors of the business world efficiently receive offers, bid, and make purchases.
How does it work when getting an offer?
Sign up easily
Fill in your company information and create your company profile.
Create your request for offers
Easily create your request for a quotation to be delivered to expert companies
Get an agreement with the supplier
Examine the incoming offers and negotiate with the supplier that suits you.
Rate your supplier
Rate and comment on your supplier at the end of the job.
How does it work when bidding?
Sign up easily
Fill in your company information and create your company profile.
Wait for offer requests
Get ready to contact your new customers.
Bid quickly
Create your offer and deliver it to your customer efficiently.
Get the job and get started
Get a deal with your new customer, do your job excellently, get good ratings, and become a sought-after supplier.